Friday, May 13, 2011

what it takes to be a high potential employee

Recently there has been quite a buzz regarding how the various companies distinguish the top employees from the rest of the bunch.There are various different view points regarding whether the company should be overt about who are those top 3 or 4% employees whom they consider as high potential,some say that it's a good idea as this will encourage competition among the employees whereas others feel that this should not been done as it may demotivate those employees who are not on the list.This brouhaha about what should been done has been a source of inspiration of my mulling over what is it that being a high performing employees takes.

First of all if you want yourself to be projected as a high potential employee your performance has to be very good,there is no compromise on this front,but again this is not the only criteria.Another important thing is that you have to be very good at learning new things like various new technology it certainly gives you sort of edge over your peers and shows your knack for gaining insights about newer things,but again this is important only during your early days as time goes on technical agility do not play very important role.After certain time it is your qualitative qualities like your behavior which really counts.Factors like technical nimbleness are taken for granted once you reach a top position,so in order to distinguish yourself from the lot you will have to focus more on your soft skills.By soft skill I mean how you communicate to your peers,sub-ordinates,customers,what is yours attitude towards them etc.

The factors described in the above para are quite generic in nature,so now i will like to elaborate on the x-factors which distinguishes you from the lot.Let me list these factors point wise so that it is easier for the raeder to comprehend where this discussion is headed.

1.Desire to excel
Most of you will be wondering that how can this be a distinguishing factor as almost everyone of us have a high desire for success,but again the thing is having a desire is something and really working hard to make those desire come true is another thing.People who are so called high potential have this desire and are willing to sacrifice without feeling nostalgic or whining  about how things are going on.

2.Catalytic learning
Learning is a very important tool which once leveraged can do wonders.but again simply learning about something wont do we have got to learn about how to use in practical what we have learn t.In order to explain this point let me take a example suppose you are trying to learn a new language then you wont be able to learn it completely just by reading it what you have to do is that you have to try and speak in that language daily thats what called practical implication.

3.Enterprising Spirit
This point is of paramount importance in today's dynamic world where as they say no job is permanent.You may be working in one project for quite sometime but suddenly your boss calls up and tells you that you have to move on to some another important project.Initially there might be some inertia preventing you from moving on from the current project to the newer one as you devoted quite a lot effort of yours towards the ongoing project, but again as time goes on you have to accept the very fact that you wont always be working as per your wish sometimes you will have to put up with things.

4.Dynamic sensors
Again this point has gained quite a lot of importance lately.Most of the high potential employees get tempted by offers which seems quite lucrative initially only to be found not at all interesting later.high potential employees recover from a mistake committed by them quite fastly and hence their so called sensors are dynamic in nature.

This blog post of mine has been inspired from the june 2010 edition of the hbr.I have tried to present this fact from my understanding of the article and have tried my level best to not make is sound like a Verbatim

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